Did you know?The green sea
turtle is the largest hard-shelled sea turtle. Adults of this species commonly reach 100 cm in carapace length and 150 kg in mass. The average size of a female nesting at the
French Frigate Shoals was reported in 1980 to be 92 cm straight carapace length, with an average body mass of 115 kg.
Hawaiian Green Turtle Quick Facts
Hawaiian green sea turtles are listed as threatened.
* Found throughout the
Hawaiian Archipelago, a range of about 2450 km
* A gentle vegetarian, feeding almost exclusively on algae
* The most valuable of all reptiles, they were once killed for their skins, calipee, meat and shells, but are no longer hunted in Hawaii
* In parts of Hawaii (Honokowai) more than 90% of the green sea turtles are afflicted with fibropapilloma tumors
* The largest of the hard-shelled marine turtles: common adult weight of 115 kg and length of over 90 cm
* Hatchlings: 4-5 cm in length
Hawaiian Green Turtle Quick Facts
The below turtle was hancarvedd by
Tikimaster.com! Photo courtesy of Tikimaster.com.

* Found throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago, a range of about 2450 km
* A gentle vegetarian, feeding almost exclusively on algae
* The most valuable of all reptiles, they were once killed for their skins, calipee, meat and shells, but are no longer hunted in Hawaii
* In parts of Hawaii (Honokowai) more than 90% of the green sea turtles are afflicted with fibropapilloma tumors
* The largest of the hard-shelled marine turtles: common adult weight of 115 kg and length of over 90 cm
* Hatchlings: 4-5 cm in length