Tikimaster.com has recently added a great selection of model sailing vessels including, waka canoes, single hull sailing canoes, and double hull warrior canoes. Here's a little background on the very popular waka canoe.
Waka are Maori watercraft, usually canoes, ranging in size from small ornamented canoes (waka tīwai) used for fishing and river travel, to large decorated war canoes (waka taua) up to 40 meters long. In recent years, large double-hulled canoes of considerable size have been constructed for oceanic voyaging to other parts of the Pacific.
Waka taua (war canoes) were large canoes manned by up to 80 paddlers and up to 40 metres in length. Waka taua . Many are single-hulled vessels made from a hollowed-out tree trunk. Large waka, which are usually elaborately carved and decorated, may consist of several jointed pieces lashed together. Waka taua are no longer used in warfare. The resurgence of Māori culture has seen an increase in the numbers of waka taua built, generally on behalf of a tribal group, for use on ceremonial occasions.
These model canoes make great gifts for the avid sailor or for someone who just loves the sea. Tikimaster.com can even custom make any type of canoe, like we did for The Holokai Grill Restaurant, in Waikiki, for any purpose you can think of.
Smooth sailing from Tikimaster.com.

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