We would like to wish a fond farewell and a bon voyage with tons of tiki aloha to Paul and Annick. Not only were these two terrific tikis invaluable partners for tikimaster.com, but they were also beloved grandparents and parents! Paul and Annick spent almost three years in Hawaii helping tikimaster.com to become the best tiki site on the web!
Paul helped on buying trips to scout out the hottest tiki totems, tiki masks, and everything else tiki that you could possibly imagine. He also was the inventor tiki repair, and was the master stainer when it came to taking care of our dear tikis. Paul didn't stop there, in his spare time he worked hard to optimize tikimaster.com like a pro.
Annick was the master packager at tikimaster.com! She made sure that all of our cool tikis arrived to their new homes in perfect condition. We had a joke around the warehouse that she was the "machine"! No one could ever move as fast as Annick and not make any mistakes! Annick was also responsible for feeding all of the hungry tikis and keeping everything neat and tiddy.
Tikimaster.com won't be the same without these two cool tikis, but we know that they will enjoy their retirement in Honfleur, France. We think tiki totems and tiki masks will look great in their new, giant yard, and to make sure we'll be bringing them the coolest tikis around very soon!
From all of us at tikimaster.com - Aloha and Mahalo for all of your hard work with the tikis! You'll be missed!
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