Looking for affordable wood carvings? Don't go any further! TropicalTikis360.com was launched with price conscious customers. After many reviews from multiple home decor Web sites, we landed on www.tropicaltikis360.com that offers a wide range of home decor products from tropical tikis, Hawaiian decor, koa paddles, Tiki bar, nautical and beach decor, pirate and crossbones accessories, surf signs, decorative wooden bowls and more!
Some of the deals offered at Tropical Tikis360 include a set of 3 masks for $39.90 or a set of 3 hand carved tiki statues for $49.00.
As one of Hawaii's finest manufacturer and online gift catalog companies, the company is able to offer a large selection of products such as: Tikis, Tiki masks, Tiki Bar, koa paddles, polynesian art, tropical decor, surf decor products, skull and bones accessories, pirate wall decor, island lifestyle products and more...
For more information, you can contact them via email or simply visit them at TropicalTikis360.com.